Betsy Randolph
2021-2022 WWW President
Women Writing the West Logo

Who wouldn’t be thrilled to lead a large, global writing organization with such prestigious and well-known writing awards as The WILLA, The LAURA, and The DOWNING? Who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to wear the heavy crown?

Me. I was neither thrilled nor jumping when I got the phone call from then President Amy Nowak. In fact, my initial response was, “No, thank you.” I confessed about my horrible spelling, improper use of punctuation, and sometimes words. And I admitted I felt woefully inadequate to perform the required tasks at hand. Still, Amy assured me I wouldn’t be alone. There would always be someone, including herself, willing to assist me, “We’re a team, you’ll do fine.” But my doubts plagued me. More than plagued, they taunted me day and night. Then Amy gently reminded me of something I knew very well. “Whom God calls, He equips,” and so the journey began.

As the year flew by, projects, goals, and hopes for Women Writing the West were actualized. Not in or by my strength, though. The team assembled, known as the WWW Board of Directors, working without dinner breaks, vacations, and personal hygiene upkeep brought new programs, contests, and members into the fold. I can’t thank them enough for their tireless efforts and sacrifices.

Thank you: Alice Trego, Doris Eraldi, Erin Jameson, Barb Froman, Kari Bovee, Cynthia Naden, Jamie Lisa Forbes, Linda Ulleseit, Ann Edall-Robson, Dawn Wink, Carolyn Dufurrena, Pat Jurgens, Deborah Swenson, Linda Wommack, Kathy Sechrist, Roni McFadden, and of course, Amy Nowak—your dedication to WWW is remarkable and to be commended.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for the gift of your time, talents, and patience with me. And thank you, our valued member, for supporting the vision for our organization that our founding members had over 28 years ago. Your membership dues and donations keep their vision alive and well. You are a wonderful group of dedicated women and men whom I count myself blessed to be associated with. It’s been my absolute pleasure to serve as the 2021-2022 President of Women Writing the West.
